
Decarbonising buildings to reach net zero

Retrofitting existing buildings to reduce carbon emissions is an essential part of the UK’s transition to net zero. The Elkins Construction team has extensive experience working with clients to upgrade their housing stock to meet new building standards, from the initial design stages through to delivery.

Net zero by 2050

The built environment is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. While all new homes are constructed to meet net zero standards, properties that exist now will make up 80% of the UK’s housing stock by 2050 – the date by which the government aim to reach net zero. It is estimated that 27 million homes need to be decarbonised to meet this target, which means retrofitting older homes is a necessity.

Creating energy efficient homes

At Elkins, we know not all retrofit projects are the same. Some properties may need less invasive changes to reduce carbon emissions, while others may require more extensive work.

These can include the installation of new:

  • Energy efficient lighting
  • Solar panels
  • Air-source heat pumps
  • Windows and doors
  • Draught proofing
  • High-performance roofs
  • Insulation works
  • Battery storage systems
  • Ventilation systems including MVHR

Improved living conditions

A successful retrofit project not only helps reduce carbon emissions and meet regulatory requirements, it can also increase the commercial value of a property. Additionally, there are a whole range of benefits for residents, including a reduction in day-to-day running costs through improved energy efficiency, which is a particular concern in the wake of rising energy costs and the cost-of-living crisis. Retrofitting can also help improve the health of residents by reducing exposure to cold and damp and improving poor indoor air quality.

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