Alvey Estate

Southwark Council

A major programme of improvements to six residential blocks on Alvey Estate for Southwark Council

Extensive internal and external refurbishment works, including window and roof replacements, fire risk assessment (FRA) works, and kitchen and bathroom renewals.


Name: Alvey Estate

Client: Southwark Council

Type: Refurbishment

Value: £2.36m


  • Provision of scaffold equipment
  • Asphalt repairs to communal walkways
  • Roof replacement/repairs
  • Window repairs
  • Brick and concrete repairs
  • Communal areas repairs
  • Communal lighting and emergency lighting
  • Fire risk assessment works
  • Drainage repairs
  • Kitchen and bathroom renewals
  • Installation of LD2 enhanced smoke/fire detectors
  • Underground CCTV surveys and remedial works
  • Other minor building works


  • Delays minimised
  • Improved living conditions for residents
  • Improved fire safety for the building
  • Apprenticeship/employment opportunities generated
  • Social value and community initiatives, including improvements to Alvey TRA hall

Work programme and delivery

In 2022 Elkins Construction was engaged by Southwark Council to begin a programme of internal and external refurbishment works across six residential blocks at Alvey Estate under the 2017/18 Quality Homes Improvement programme.

The scope of the project included extensive external repair works to the buildings’ brick and concrete, communal asphalt walkways, and drainage systems across all six blocks.

One of the most significant jobs was the repair and replacement of roof coverings, which involved stripping the current roof and installing new tiles, rafter rolls and guttering, followed by the installation of pigeon netting and lightning protection. On Dunnico House, the roof renewal also posed a challenge in the shape of a phone mast, which had to be relocated to allow for the work to take place.

This wasn’t the only challenge the team faced. The window replacements, kitchen and bathroom renewals and electrical works all required access to private residences on the estate. Elkins’ site team carefully planned and coordinated the works to ensure minimal disruption and the resident liaison team ensured residents knew when and where work was taking place and kept them informed of the progress.

The fire risk assessment works were another important aspect of the project scope. These included new emergency lighting and the installation of a LD2 fire protection system with enhanced smoke detectors in all areas that form part of the building escape routes and main living rooms.

Community initiatives

Throughout Elkins’ time working on site, the team carried out various initiatives to provide social value to the surrounding Southwark community.

One such project involved undertaking improvement and refurbishment works to Alvey Estate TRA’s main hall and kitchen. The scope of the work included; decorating the walls, ceiling and woodwork in the main hall; stripping out and replacing the kitchen units, worktops, vinyl and sink; and creating an opening in the wall to form a service area. Despite the fact initial discussions about the work only started in December, the site team pulled out all the stops to get the work finished before Christmas, so the community could continue to enjoy the hall and it could play host to the TRA’s usual events during the festive period.

Elkins also developed a partnership with Southwark food-growing charity Edible Rotherhithe, organising a staff volunteer day to fix a gate and create an insect habitat for its gardening club at Surrey Square School, which backs onto Alvey Estate. Additionally, the business provided several donations – one to create pencil case packs for the children attending the charity’s salad club, and the other to set up a new gardening club at Dog Kennel Hill Primary School.

Elkins Construction is registered as A&E Elkins Ltd. Registered Office: A&E House, Unit 1a Industrial Trading Estate, Juno Way, London, SE14 5RW

Registered in England and Wales No.00846751

©2023 Copyright A&E Elkins Ltd